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Navigating Roadblocks: Building a LinkedIn Analytics Platform



In the ever-evolving realm of startups and technological innovation, every idea comes with its own set of challenges and opportunities. This is the tale of two college friends, Anil, and Nimit reunited after ten years with a goal to create a LinkedIn analytics platform. The purpose was to empower LinkedIn content creators by providing them with insights into their data, enabling them to grasp the 'what, why, and how' of their LinkedIn content. Join me as I recount our journey, marked by perseverance and ethical values.

The Idea's Genesis

The journey commenced with a compelling concept: a platform designed to illuminate the intricacies of LinkedIn content analytics. The objective was simple yet powerful—to equip content creators with the tools needed to comprehend their data, enhance engagement, and drive business growth. With enthusiasm fueling our endeavor, our team at PeekMore were all set to embark on this transformative journey.

The Unforeseen Obstacles

The path to realizing our vision led us to an unexpected roadblock—the elusive access to LinkedIn's developer platform. We diligently submitted our application, eager to bring our LinkedIn analytics platform to life. However, progress stalled, leaving us grappling with uncertainty. As the weeks turned into months, we realized that the approval process was proving to be more complex than anticipated.

The Quest for Approval

Determined to overcome this obstacle, we began raising support tickets on LinkedIn's Zendesk portal. Over the course of eight months, we submitted five tickets, each a plea for assistance and clarity on our application's status. Our fervor was met with a series of responses, each carrying a new excuse from LinkedIn's end for withholding approval. From the size of our venture to unspecified criteria, the reasons seemed to evolve, leaving us both perplexed and frustrated.

Facing Ethical Crossroads

As the journey unfolded, we were confronted with an ethical crossroads. The temptation to circumvent the lengthy process and gain access through questionable means was real. Yet, my commitment to ethical practices and values stood firm. Adhering to a strong moral compass, we made the conscious choice not to compromise our integrity, no matter how enticing the shortcuts appeared.

The Decision to Pivot

In light of the hurdles we faced, a difficult decision emerged – to pivot from our original path. While disheartening, this choice was a testament to our unwavering commitment to principles. Rather than succumb to frustration, we chose to adapt. This led us to explore alternative avenues that aligned with our values, opening up new opportunities and pathways for growth.

Key Takeaways

  1. Ethics Above All: This journey underscored the significance of upholding ethical standards, even in the face of daunting challenges. While shortcuts might promise quick results, integrity paves the way for sustainable success.

  2. Perseverance in Adversity: The roadblocks we encountered tested our resilience. Yet, the experience taught us that perseverance is a driving force, pushing us to explore uncharted territories and reimagine our strategies.

  3. Innovation Through Constraint: Navigating LinkedIn's approval process inspired us to think creatively. Constraints can spark innovation, leading us to discover unexplored opportunities that might have remained hidden otherwise.


While our aspiration to create a LinkedIn analytics platform faced formidable obstacles, the journey proved to be a valuable lesson in resilience and ethical decision-making. The experience illuminated the importance of adhering to our principles, adapting to challenges, and seeking innovative solutions. As we forge ahead, these lessons will continue to guide our path, reminding us that every roadblock is an opportunity in disguise.